
That Bitch, Katrina

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Maria Muldaur in San Francisco

Weeks before Katrina, I made reservations to see Maria Muldaur, a long time groupie of New Orleans. Last night, at Biscuits and Blues in San Francisco she couldn't avoid singing about our city. I remember a show I did at WTUL playing nothing but songs that mention N.O. My audience and I came to an agreement that there has never been a song written with the words "New Orleans" buried inside, that wasn't great, if not a classic. After last night's show I told Ms Muldaur that she reminded me that New Orleans was much more than a place, She signed her new CD, "Brian, never forget, New Orleans is a state of mind." That saved me from another night of tears.

Kat (so glad to hear from you) was the first to add her voice to Gospeltent, the aftermath. She clued me in on a few people that I will add to the Database. She said she couldn't add names to it. I've changed a setting or two, so I hope it works now. Please let me know.

To access the database you must click on "Visit your group "gospeltent" on the web" at the bottom of this email. Then click on Database in the left column, then click on Katrina.

Kat and I are both scared and frustrated, We need to know where YOU are. Kat knows where some people are, but Karina and E-man as well as Jay Maza are unknowns. Uptown is definitely flooded, looting is so bad that people are afraid to leave their houses, and there are reports that the river levee is week. But I hope with all my heart that Dante's Kitchen is OK. Even so, the losses are dreadful.

There are many others that we need to hear about. The rest of you in the outside world, please check in. If there was ever a time to
remember family (even after 17 years in my case) it's now. I may not have much money to contribute, but when I return to Mexico in a few months, I can offer a bed and a lot of cheap beer.

Add anyone you can think of to the database (Katrina). Even if they were not in our old family. If you haven't kept up, check out http://www.wdsu.com. They have live video. And if you want to see the most up-to-date information try the Katrina blog at WWl http://www.wwltv.com/local/stories/WWLBLOG.ac3fcea.html

Where are you?


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